View Full Version : How to make the push button to curly shape?

29th November 2011, 12:45
Hi all,
I am new to Qt and i am trying to set homescreen for my application using UI design.I had attached two images out of those: the first one shows the shape of button image which i had designed and the second one is the shape required for my design.

The button in my design is in rectangle shape but i need to make it as a curly one.I am using more than five buttons on my home screen so anyone come with the answer

Is there any property or code to be added so that i can make it my design as required?

Anyone help me with this.?

Thanks in Advance;
Harish [/QUOTE]71407141

29th November 2011, 13:25
Set border-radius in style sheet.

29th November 2011, 16:22
Set border-radius in style sheet.

that and i set the icon size to the image size so if my pixmap = 25 x 25 then my button icon size should be 25 x 25 as well as the button size

29th November 2011, 17:21
Another option is to use images for borders (see border-image) and repeatable background.