View Full Version : How to make use of the INSTALL_ROOT that resides in generated Makefiles?

2nd December 2011, 18:25
qmake generates the following rule for installing a target:


I cannot set INSTALL_ROOT with something like this in a *.pro file


because INSTALL_ROOT is somehow local to generated Makefiles. According to what I've found out so far INSTALL_ROOT is empty by default. It could be used like

INSTALL_ROOT=$HOME make install

when invoking make, which is fine. However I want to be able to specify default installation root, say /usr. I can do it introducing a new variable PREFIX as suggested here. Then generated rule will look like (if PREFIX was set to /usr)


however, if somebody calls

INSTALL_ROOT=$HOME make install

then target will be installed to
/home/<user_name>/usr/$(TARGET) which is not that one would expect.

So setting INSTALL_ROOT to some default value will produce consistent behavior, which is superior to adding PREFIX, but how to set INSTALL_ROOT in a *.pro file?