View Full Version : Showing QImage without converting to QPixmap

3rd December 2011, 19:46
I have some data:

uchar* imageData;


imageData = static_cast <uchar*>(realloc(imageData, imageSize));
renderer->render(imageData, imageWidth, imageHeight, imageSize);

and showing image up:

QImage image(imageData, imageWidth, imageHeight, imageBytesPerLine, QImage::Format_RGB888); //I need only RGB
QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image);

imagePlace is QLabel

Everything is all right until I want create image which takes lot of memory, for example size 8000px x 12000px
then allocated memory for imageData takes about 366MB (only 366MB).
Image still appears, but when doing

QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image);

Memory usage jump to above 700MB instead of 366MB

So my question is how to prevent this situation, because I want to show image which takes about 1GB or more, but in that situation memory usage is doubled (as far as I can see)!!

Is there way to direct display QImage on the screen?
What's more I wanna refresh this image several times (some kind of software generated animation)

I had search for reasonable solution but without success as far.

another strange thing:

when trying to display (in QLabel) image which has mode than 32767px width or height it fails, nothing is displayed.
It could be 32767px x 10px (takes only 959,97 KiB) and it shows correctly, but 32768px x 10px fails to show ...

3rd December 2011, 20:33
Create a subclass of QLabel, reimplement paintEvent and draw the QImage with QPainter::drawImage (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qpainter.html#drawImage-7).

3rd December 2011, 21:12
I subclassed QLabel

void ImagePlacer::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event){
if (image != 0)
QPainter painter(this);
painter.drawImage(this->rect(), *image, this->rect());

but there is the same dobled memory usage ... It seem that problem is somewhere else, maybe in QPainter?

QPainter draws image by copying it's part, so there is the problem ....

solution - not resizing QLabel

void ImagePlacer::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event){
if (image != 0)
QPainter painter(this);
painter.drawImage(this->rect(), *image, this->rect());

but I've to show scroll bars, to move over whole image ...

13th January 2012, 20:54

You can resize your QLabel-derived class at some other point (when setting the image for example) instead of resizing it each time in the paintEvent() handler.

void ImagePlacer::setImage (QImage * newImage)
image = newImage;
if (0 != image)
resize (image->size());

Added bonus: it will resize the widget only once instead of each time it is repainted.