View Full Version : how to use qevent?

8th December 2011, 13:52
recently learning how to use qtevent.

I have defined an event which i use to compare some variable.

I have defined this event class in myevent.h

but don't know how to use it. i think signal and slot is more understandable for me.

I want every time when a variable is changed, this compare event will be sent and be received by my plugin. So i can do further steps.

can anyone just give me some example how to implement it? thank you all.

9th December 2011, 09:30
this (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qcoreapplication.html#sendEvent), this (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qcoreapplication.html#postEvent) and this (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qq/qq11-events.html) (custom event types in the middle) should help you.
