View Full Version : Mac OS application icon problem

10th December 2011, 00:34
So I am a PC user, and finishing up the PC version of an application I tinkered with VMWare and have a Mac OS Snow Leopard 10.6.2 going and Qt 4.6.2 in there.... All my code ports just fine. But the dang Dock icon is a lame default one! I went to the Qt icon page and am just worn out with such a small problem... I am using a .icns image and was using the RC_FILE = appIcon.rc method in the .PRO file. then I tried just ICON = iconName.icns and that is a bust as well... anyone have any ideas? I have the icon in the tray icon just fine, but it just seems ridiculous to not have the dock icon......

10th December 2011, 05:41
Have a look on Info.plist file from http://gottcode.org/focuswriter/ is a text editor on mac osx an is build on QT ...

on pro file....

macx {
ICON = resources/mac/focuswriter.icns

macx {
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = resources/mac/Info.plist
CONFIG += x86_64
# Comment the above line and uncomment the following lines to compile Universal for 10.4+
# QMAKE_MAC_SDK = /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
# CONFIG += x86 ppc

other point of interest mac_deploy.sh
load source:

or http://gottcode.org/focuswriter/

I search to combine fullscreen controll on Mac osx Lions to having the Icon like attachment...7164

I not found this implementation Only Google chrome having this fix & original mac apps...