View Full Version : qml slot (funtion) value cannot access out side the function

15th December 2011, 05:54
hi , please help me i receive a slot (function) in qml file when but function value cant access out side function as playername is class variable.
but it return empty string my code is with out put .

import QtQuick 1.0
Rectangle {
id: container
property string playername: ""
function playerinfo(str,str1,str2,str3){
console.log("i m comming from c++ file other player name is "+str1)
container.playername= str1
console.log("i am in functoin value displayed "+container.playername)
function hide() {
container.opacity = 0;

width: dialogText.width + 20
height: dialogText.height + 20
opacity: 0

Text {
id: dialogText
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Dummy"

MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
console.log(" outside the function player name on clicked is empty " +container.playername)

output of this file is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

i m comming from c++ file other player name is azeem
i am in functoin value displayed azeem
outside the function player name on clicked is empty