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View Full Version : Problem with 4.8 and ActiveQT

15th December 2011, 19:43
Hi !!

I have a big problem with 4.8 (not with 4.7):

I build succesfully ActiveQT (4.8, mingw32, windows-xp) (I copy the libs generated to LIB dir)

Then I try to compile my app ….
but I got a lot of errors:

19:28:17: Running build steps for project jCQ…
19:28:17: Configuration unchanged, skipping qmake step.
19:28:17: Starting: “D:\Qt\qtcreator-2.4.0\mingw\bin\mingw32-make.exe”
D:/Qt/qtcreator-2.4.0/mingw/bin/mingw32-make.exe -f Makefile.Release
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Entering directory `D:/My DropBox/My Dropbox/jCQ/jCQ-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_0__4_8_0__Release’
g++ -Wl,-s -mthreads -Wl,-subsystem,windows -o release\jCQ.exe object_script.jCQ.Release -L”d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib” -lmingw32 -lqtmain release\myapp_res.o -lQAxContainer -lQtSql4 -lQtGui4 -lQtCore4
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `D:/My DropBox/My Dropbox/jCQ/jCQ-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_0__4_8_0__Release’
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxdump.o):qaxdump.cpp:(.text+0 —503): undefined reference to `SysAllocStringLen@8′
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxdump.o):qaxdump.cpp:(.text+0 —535): undefined reference to `SysFreeString@4′
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxdump.o):qaxdump.cpp:(.text+0x 5b5): undefined reference to `SysFreeString@4′
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxdump.o):qaxdump.cpp:(.text+0x 5c1): undefined reference to `SysFreeString@4′
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxdump.o):qaxdump.cpp:(.text+0x 8a2): undefined reference to `IID_IDispatch’
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxdump.o):qaxdump.cpp:(.text+0x 8ad): undefined reference to `IID_IDispatch’
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxdump.o):qaxdump.cpp:(.text+0x 8ba): undefined reference to `IID_IDispatch’
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxdump.o):qaxdump.cpp:(.text+0x 8d2): undefined reference to `IID_IDispatch’
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxbase.o):qaxbase.cpp:(.text+0 —252): undefined reference to `IID_IClassFactory2′
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxbase.o):qaxbase.cpp:(.text+0 —278): undefined reference to `SysAllocStringLen@8′
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxbase.o):qaxbase.cpp:(.text+0 —292): undefined reference to `IID_IUnknown’
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxbase.o):qaxbase.cpp:(.text+0x 2b3): undefined reference to `SysFreeString@4′
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxbase.o):qaxbase.cpp:(.text+0x 2de): undefined reference to `IID_IUnknown’
d:\Qt\4.8.0\lib/libQAxContainer.a(qaxbase.o):qaxbase.cpp:(.text+0 —766): undefined reference to `IID_IPersistPropertyBag’

I can build it with Qt 4.7.x

any idea?

thank you!

Added after 34 minutes:

I discovered the problem:

these files are missing under the LIB DIR

13th January 2012, 15:16
Hi !,

Please can anybody tell me where I get these files:



Thank you!

13th January 2012, 16:01
I would have thought they would be made when compiling. Are you sure there were no errors when compiling active qt module?

14th January 2012, 11:39
Perhaps I did a fundamental mistake, so I tell what I did from the very beginning:

I used "qt-win-opensource-4.8.0-mingw.exe". It was compiled using "MinGW-gcc440_1.zip". --> Everthing works fine!
To build the "QAxContainer Module" I entered C:/Qt/4.8.0/src/activeqt/container.
I ran "qmake container.pro" and than "mingw32-make"
I got "libQAxContainerd.a" in the "container/debug"-directory and it was copied to c:/Qt/4.8.0/lib
I copied the whole directory of the example "webbroser" from C:/Qt/4.8.0/examples/activeqt/webbrowser into a working directory (without any changes)
I opended the project in Qt Creator and tried to compile (debug mode)
I got a a couple of error messages ....


Please help!
Thank you, hgstoehr

14th January 2012, 15:37
I think something went wrong with your install. I didnt have to compile qaxcontainer separately, although I built 4.7 not 4.8.

Has the naming convention changed? my libs dont start with 'lib'.

15th January 2012, 23:48
to amleto:
You were right!
I installed (compiled) everything for a 2nd time - and now it works!
But nevertheless I had to compile the "QAxContainer" and the "QAxServer" in "activeqt" separately.
Thank you

16th January 2012, 06:33
To create *.prl files and fix problem:
- add to container.pro file in ../activeqt/container dir 2 lines:

CONFIG += create_prl
CONFIG += link_prl

- when qmake, make all, make install.