View Full Version : Developing a node-based interface

28th December 2011, 18:01
I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions and insights about a node-based interface that I need to develop.
I already have some classes (each representing a interface node), each of those is basically a widget container, like this:

- QFrame
- QPushButtons
- QRects (the node "handles")

I add this nodes (i.e. widgets) to the main application window (widget->QFrame), and once the nodes are there, I'd like to drag an handle and drop it on another node handle receiver, and performe checks upon dropping.

Do you think this is a good design? Or would be better, for example, to create custom widgets?

Could this work or do I need absolutely to rely on QGraphicsView/QGraphicItem in order to use drag & drop action?

28th December 2011, 22:50
you dont need graphicsview/items to do drag/drop.