View Full Version : Not able to remove the root of the tree widget.

30th December 2011, 05:42
hi all,
i added root tree widget item dynamically,
when i tried to access, i can its name but when i tried to remove that root with specified name, the effect was not reflecting in window...
Please tell me what i'm missing here...

void MainWindow::RemoveTreeRoot(QString Filename)

QList<QTreeWidgetItem *>TempRoot=ui->treeWidget_FilesSelected->findItems(Filename,Qt::MatchExactly,0);
foreach (QTreeWidgetItem *temp,TempRoot)
cout<<"ITS FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"<<endl;
std::cout<<"remove:"<<temp->text(0).toStdString()<<endl; ///PRINTING CORRECT NODE NAME....
ui->treeWidget_FilesSelected->removeItemWidget(temp,0); // <----This effect not reflecting in mainwindow while executing


30th December 2011, 13:04
removeitemwidget only removes the widget, not the node in the tree, according to the docs.
