View Full Version : Reimplement data() in QSqlQueryModel

4th January 2012, 23:33

I am experimenting with a subclass of QSqlQueryModel. Since I wanted to change the background color in the ListView, I reimplemented the data method

QVariant BrowseWoTableModel::data( const QModelIndex &item, int role ) const
if( role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole )
return Qt::green;

else if( role == Qt::DisplayRole )
return record( item.row() ).value( item.column() );

return QVariant();

This works for setting the background color, but fails in displaying the data.

What am I missing here?


5th January 2012, 00:20
Your override returns null QVariants for roles like Qt::FontRole, Qt::TextColorRole and Qt::ForegroundRole.

Try something like this:

QVariant BrowseWoTableModel::data( const QModelIndex &item, int role ) const
if (!item.isValid())
return QVariant();

if( role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole )
return Qt::green;
return QSqlQueryModel::data(item, role);

5th January 2012, 00:22
The "similar threads" box held the anwser.

QVariant BrowseWoTableModel::data( const QModelIndex &item, int role ) const
QVariant ret = QSqlQueryModel::data( item, role );

if( role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole )
return Qt::green;

return ret;

This works. But i dont understand why. Where does the data come from?

5th January 2012, 03:36
Line 3 gathers the result you would received from a base QSqlQueryModel and that is returned unless the role is BackgroundColorRole.