View Full Version : Debugging with custom libs

11th January 2012, 10:03
Hi everybody,

until last week I used Qt4.7.4 on Opensuse 11.4.
Everything works well.
For company reasons I had to change to SLED11 SP1.
If I try now to debug my programs in QtCreator I get the error message undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData11detach_growEPii.
ldd -r prog_name returns
undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData11detach_growEPii
undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData6detachEi

Any suggestions?
regards Peter

12th January 2012, 14:32
I found the advise to recompile the QT libraries.

Well, I successfully recompiled the qt 4.7.4. libraries.
But the same error message appeared.
After this I started to create my project new.
Created a mainwindow -> I could step through the code with the debugger.
Added 2 group boxes -> everything was OK.
Added 2 push buttons -> everything was OK.
Added a combo box -> still everything was OK.
Inserted some items into the combo box ->> the application crashed with the error message.

What is wrong????

12th January 2012, 16:52
Do you use static or dynamic linking?

16th January 2012, 07:11
I use dynamic linking

17th January 2012, 11:56
You say that it happend when you try to debug the app.
Does the same happen when you run the app in release mode?
What about running it from command line?

Do you ship qt libs compiled by yourself or do you depend on the libs included in the distro?
I've read somewhere that libs included in the distro may cause some problems after update to newer version but can't recall where I read that.