View Full Version : How to add color to the List View Element in QML?

11th January 2012, 11:22
Hi all,
I am new to QML and i am trying an application in which there is a list view containing number of elements.

I need to differentiate each item in the list using different colors.How to add color to the element in the list?

Anyone help me with this?

Here is my code:

ListView {
id: listview1
x: 0
y: 101
width: 360
height: 320
anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 101
anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0
anchors.topMargin: 101
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.top: parent.top
spacing: 12
flickDeceleration: 1748
clip: true

header: ListHeading {
ListItemText {
text: "Fruits"
id: text_edit2
x: 100
y: 303
width: 182
height: 34
color: "blue"

font.family: "Times New Roman"
font.pixelSize: 30

anchors.fill: parent.paddingItem
role: "Heading"

delegate: ListItem {
id: listItem
Column {
anchors.fill: parent.paddingItem
ListItemText {
width: parent.width
text: titleText
color: "yellow"
role: "Title"
mode: listItem.mode


model: ListModel {
ListElement {

titleText: "Apple"


ListElement {
titleText: "Mango"


ListElement {
titleText: "Orange"


ListElement {
titleText: "Grapes"



I need to change the color of the text.For example:for apple i need to use BLUE color and for Mango i need RED color and so on.


11th January 2012, 11:29
Either store the color in the model and refer to that role from within the delegate or create a function that will return the colour based on the titleText and call that function from within the delegate:
color: determineColor(titleText)