View Full Version : Full stack for Qt-based development with Premake available for download

12th January 2012, 16:41
I've released 3 components for integrated development of Qt-based software with Premake build configuration tool (http://industriousone.com/premake).

qt-support.lua 1.0

This is an add-on for Premake allowing you to use Qt 4 modules in your projects. Qt-specific code generation steps are added automatically - all you need is to add sources, headers, *.ui, *.qrc., and *.ts files into ''files'' list!

Behavior of qt-support.lua almost entirely matches behavior of qmake, allowing painless migration. As usual for Premake and opposed to qmake, by default generated Makefiles are redistributable.


Getting started with Qt and Premake (http://lorcode.org/wiki/Getting_started_with_Qt_and_Premake)
Manual (http://lorcode.org/wiki/Qt_addon_reference_manual)

Current limitations

Several patches for Premake are needed (see the next release header)
Only gmake action is supported
On Mac OS X only "framework" configuration is supported
The next Qt modules are not supported yet: ActiveQt, QtDBus, QtDesigner, Phonon

File is included into packages of Premake 4.4-qt-beta1.

Premake 4.4-qt-beta1

This is an unofficial Premake beta release, based on premake-stable branch with extra patches needed for Qt support:

Downloads (all packages include qt-support.lua)

Windows 32-bit (https://github.com/downloads/annulen/premake-annulen/premake-4.4-qt-beta1-windows.zip)
Mac OS X Universal (10.4 and higher; PPC + i386) (https://github.com/downloads/annulen/premake-annulen/premake-4.4-qt-beta1-macosx.tar.gz)
Linux x86 (https://github.com/downloads/annulen/premake-annulen/premake-4.4-qt-beta1-linux.tar.gz)
Linux x86_64 (https://github.com/downloads/annulen/premake-annulen/premake-4.4-qt-beta1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz)
Source code (https://github.com/downloads/annulen/premake-annulen/premake-4.4-qt-beta1-src.tar.gz)

PremakeProjectManager 0.2

This is a plugin for Qt Creator IDE, providing native support for premake4.lua projects. Just open premake4.lua in Qt Creator, and you'll be able to browse your project contents, build, and debug it! Plugin works with Qt Creator 2.3.x or 2.4.0 (either from QtSDK or stand-alone); older versions and master are not supported.

New in version 0.2

Windows support (including pre-compiled binaries)
Qt support
Generated files are hidden by default
Toolchain switching is possible
Parsing of compiler output works
Support for Qt Creator 2.4
Support for Qt Creator 2.2 was removed

To debug inside IDE, you will need to browse for executable file. However, on Windows debugging is currently broken.


Qt Creator 2.3.1 Windows 32-bit (https://github.com/downloads/annulen/premake-annulen/premakeprojectmanager-0.2-qtc2.3.1-win32.zip)
Qt Creator 2.4.0 Windows 32-bit (https://github.com/downloads/annulen/premake-annulen/premakeprojectmanager-0.2-qtc2.4-win32.zip)
Исходный код (https://github.com/downloads/annulen/premake-annulen/premakeprojectmanager-0.2.tar.gz)

To install, unpack archive and copy contents (two files) into /lib/qtcreator/plugins/Nokia

If you have found any issues with this software, or something is not clear in documentation, or you need additional features, or you are willing to contribute, please leave a comment in this topic or write to our mailing list (premake-users at sourceforege.net).


13th January 2012, 10:40
Here you can find sample projects which you can build from command line or Qt Creator (with plugin):
