View Full Version : Simplest data download code doesnt work :(

14th January 2012, 02:46
Hi, i've been trying to understand the network system, but this simple code doesnt work.
please could anybody tell me why??

QUrl imgURL("http://www.convocatoria09.fecyt.es/img/logotipos/logo-ucc-jpg.jpg");
QNetworkAccessManager manager;
QNetworkRequest request(imgURL);

connect(&manager, SIGNAL( finished(QNetworkReply*)), SLOT(loadIMG(QNetworkReply*)));

and the loadIMG() function, just a debug

void loadCover( QNetworkReply* reply ) {

qDebug() << QString("Ok!");


14th January 2012, 09:12
loadIMG() != loadCover(). Please post your actual code and don't make one up for the forum. And the problem you are facing is a standard C++ error. You have to create QNetworkAccessManager on the heap, because otherwise it gets destroyed at the end of the scope, thus the signal can never be emitted.

14th January 2012, 13:16
sorry for that error, thats because i was doing some changes while was posting , and thanks a lot for the reply.
Thanks and sorry for bothering.