View Full Version : Problem in using UI object in other class

17th January 2012, 16:02

I am trying to use generated UI class object in my own helper class to control the functionality of the UI data(buttons) depending on the data.Here is the code:


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
//QT Created Class

//Helper class which uses UI object
CPsxHMI_stateMechine stateMachine(w.getUI_Object(), w.getCANIO_DataObject());
return a.exec();

CPsxHMI_stateMechine::CPsxHMI_stateMechine(Ui::PSX _HMIClass *f_UI_Data, cPsxHMI_CANIODataBase *f_CAN_Data)
:objPsx_HMI_ui(f_UI_Data),objCanIO_Data(f_CAN_Data )
//objPsx_HMI_ui = f_UI_Data;
//objCanIO_Data = f_CAN_Data;
objPSX_SM_Th = this;


void CPsxHMI_stateMechine::run()
std::cout<<"State Mechine Thread Started"<<std::endl;
/* if((SystemActivation_Sys_PSC & objCanIO_Data->g_currentActiveFunc_sint32) || (SystemActivation_Sys_PP_PSC_cPSC & objCanIO_Data->g_currentActiveFunc_sint32))
objPsx_HMI_ui->PSC->setStyleSheet("image: url(:/debug/PICS/PSC_active.png)");
objPsx_HMI_ui->PSC->setStyleSheet("image: url(:/debug/PICS/PSC_notactive.png)");

if(SystemActivation_Sys_POC & objCanIO_Data->g_currentActiveFunc_sint32)
objPsx_HMI_ui->PSC->setStyleSheet("image: url(:/debug/PICS/POC_a.png)");
objPsx_HMI_ui->PSC->setStyleSheet("image: url(:/debug/PICS/POC_na.png)");

if(SystemActivation_Sys_SDW & objCanIO_Data->g_currentActiveFunc_sint32)
objPsx_HMI_ui->PSC->setStyleSheet("image: url(:/debug/PICS/SDW_a.png)");
objPsx_HMI_ui->PSC->setStyleSheet("image: url(:/debug/PICS/SDW_na.png)");

if(SystemActivation_Sys_SVA & objCanIO_Data->g_currentActiveFunc_sint32)
objPsx_HMI_ui->PSC->setStyleSheet("image: url(:/debug/PICS/SVA_a.png)");
objPsx_HMI_ui->PSC->setStyleSheet("image: url(:/debug/PICS/SVA_na.png)");*/


When I am using objPsx_HMI_ui object which is UI class object I could not run my application, Some problem with runtime libraries. It opens and immediately resets.

Could any one help me in this regard?

Thanks in Advance!

18th January 2012, 15:32

Sorry for the confusion!

What I am looking for is something like user defined signals and slots.
I have few Qpushbuttons I need to show different stylesheets and to make them visible depending on some Data. I want to define some signals which takes this data and when the data changes i need to call some slot to do some operations.

Please help me in this regard.

Thanks in Advance!

18th January 2012, 22:25
Signals and slots

19th January 2012, 11:42

Thanks for the reply.

I have gone through the link, I could not get solution for the problem I am looking for.

I have a QPushButton for which there are different button images to be shown for a particular button depending on some data change.

I mean I have different button images for same feature like ON, OFF and error. To take a decision on whether to show ON or OFF button image I am depending on some data coming from the lower layers. so, what I am trying to do is when this data changes I want to emit an signal with its value so that I can take decision on which button image to be displayed in slot.

I am trying to do the following but it is not working.

//in .h file
public slots:
void generate(int);

void PSCvalueChanged(int);

//Connect in Constructor of child class of QMainWindow
connect(ui.pushButton,SIGNAL(PSCvalueChanged(int)) ,this,SLOT(generate(int)));

//Helper function called by other class when data changes
void MultiGlWindows::emitSignals(int newValue)
emit PSCvalueChanged(newValue);

//Slot Defnition
void MultiGlWindows::generate(int value)

if(value == 3)
emit PSCvalueChanged(value);
ui.pushButton->setGeometry(5, 150, 140, 50);
ui.pushButton->setStyleSheet("image: url(:/debug/Images/APS_notactive.png)\n");
ui.pushButton->setGeometry(5, 250, 140, 50);
ui.pushButton->setStyleSheet("image: url(:/debug/Images/APS_active.png)\n");

Could you please tell me where it went wrong? or do I need to follow any alternate approach?

Thanks in Advance!

19th January 2012, 11:53
I think your program has already told you (in the console) QPushButton didn't have a PSCvalueChanged(int) signal. Your app is smart, you should listen to it.

And start using layouts in your apps, please.