View Full Version : toFillPolygon

19th January 2012, 14:28
Hello forum,

Please Check the following code:

QPolygonF myPolygon;
QGraphicsEllipseItem item(-100,-50,200,100);
myPolygon = item.shape().toFillPolygon();

QPolygonF is nothing but a vector of QPointF.

In that case can i visualize myPolygon as a dotted ellipse ?


19th January 2012, 14:40
Maybe just set a proper brush and pen style for QPainter when drawing the ellipse item ? Why do you need the "toFillPolygon()" ?

19th January 2012, 14:50
i need to do some intersection testing or draw arrow item from the border of the ellipse when the user press on elliptical item

20th January 2012, 01:38
Was the simple maths from your earlier Decide the arrow graphics item's docking point not suitable?

Now that you have the ellipse as a polygon the approach used in the Diagram Scene Example may work for you.