View Full Version : Declaring Other Libraries - Linux

20th January 2012, 20:32
Hi, i'm trying to use a different library of Qt Library. My System is a Linux Mint12 64-bit and i'm using Qt SDK 64-bit. I did like this http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/qmake-project-files.html using the STLport-5.2.1 library and type the follow line in the .pro file:

LIBS += -L/urs/local/lib/ -llibstlport -llibstlportg -llibstlportstlg

I'm sure the libs are in this location but the IDE can't find the libraries during the compilation. Which mistake could i have done?

Thanks and sorry my english.

20th January 2012, 20:51
Spell "/usr" correctly and lose the "lib" prefix:

LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib/ -lstlport -lstlportg -lstlportstlg

24th January 2012, 14:34
Thanks but my trouble it isn't solved yet.
I had corrected this simple error and the linking of the libs are ok now but i'm having troubles with the stlport's includes.
Even that i put the right path to the stlport's includes in the .pro file it doesn't work and i also tried to copy the includes directly to the path "/usr/include/".

Added after 5 minutes:

My errors are being like that "/usr/include/cppunit/cppunit_mini.h:67: error: undefined reference to..."

Added after 31 minutes:

I tried another main class of test and it works now thanks :D