View Full Version : representation of numbers in QTableView...

23rd January 2012, 18:36
hi all, the moment the numbers i have pass the millon barrier the QtableView converts them into, for example, 100023e+12....

how can i change that? i want to see them plain numbers and i dont want to change the model column type to QString...

thank u all in advance

23rd January 2012, 21:08
QStyledItemDelegate specifically QStyledItemDelegate::displayText() and QString::number() if it is just the display (not the editor) you wish to affect.

25th January 2012, 20:41
Are you saying i should reimplement some methods of the class QStyledItemDelegate??? can you show me a little example cause im trying this...

QStyledItemDelegate *display = new QStyledItemDelegate ();
this->ui->data_table->setItemDelegateForColumn (5, display);

with no luck...i ll keep searching

thanks a lot!

26th January 2012, 00:48
Yes, you should subclass QStyledItemDelegate and reimplement displayText()

26th January 2012, 03:59
will do, thank both :D