View Full Version : spinbox ClearFocus()

1st February 2012, 12:51
In my qt code I want to go to another page from 1st page(means I enter the number where I want to go and press enter and that page will be open). To do so I use spinBox,

if(e->key() == Qt::Key_F)

if(e->key() == Qt::Key_G)

When I press F it set the focus of spinBox, But the problem is that when once the focus is set I can not come out from that(my Key_G is not detected).
So please help me to come out from that focus so I can go ahead in my project.


1st February 2012, 13:25
Since the spinbox has focus, it receives all key events so obviously your key handlers are only invoked when a particular widget has focus. To circumvent that you can install an event filter on the application object to intercept all events before they reach their targets.

3rd February 2012, 13:21
Thanks for your reply,
I am very new in QT.
Can you please tell me how can I install an event filter on the application object.?

3rd February 2012, 13:25
You can open Qt reference manual, switch to the index tab and type in "event filter".

6th February 2012, 11:11
Hey dear I go through Qt reference manual now I want to know that on which object I have to install event filter of my program? In function setFocus()?

6th February 2012, 11:27
on which object I have to install event filter of my program?
Read my post again.

10th February 2012, 04:42
Thank you.... I completed it.... I am very happy.... :)