View Full Version : problem with android emulator

2nd February 2012, 12:46
Hi to all.
I've written a Qt application for a client in a soap web service using gsoap. It runs ok in Windows and Linux (ubuntu and kubuntu). I even made it run in android emulator (through necessitas).

However in the android version I have a small problem (at least in the emulator, I haven't tested it yet on a real android device).
The problem is this:
The app has a qlineedit where the user inputs some text and a push button which, when pushed, takes the text from the qlineedit and then does the soap stuff.
The problem is that the text from qlineedit is taken only if, before I press the button, I press the enter key in the emulator. If I don't, then something seems to crash, since nothing is returned from the qlineedit and it can not be used anymore (you can not write in it or delete the contents). That does not happen in the windows or linux versions of the app, with the same code.

Of course I can do it otherwise (not have a button and use the qlineedit's returnpressed signal), but I would like to use the button.

Has anyone seen this behavior ?