View Full Version : Slot not getting called, Qt::ConnectionType, Thread

7th February 2012, 02:29
I have some strange problems with one SIGNAL/SLOT.

There is one class A::B::Class1 that emits two signals, first without argument, second with one argument.

A::B::J param;
emit orange(param); // Not executed
emit blue();

In A::C::Class2 the signals and slots are connected. Both connections returns true, but only 1 Slot gets executed, that one without any parameter.

void V::run()
object = new Object();

connect(object, SIGNAL(blue()), this, SLOT(blue_exec()));
connect(object, SIGNAL(orange(A::B::J&)), this, SLOT(orange_exec(A::B::J&)));



It is definately a problem with the SIGNAL.

I just did a test with Qt::ConnectionType and a test allocating object on stack with Object object and

void V::run()
Object object;

connect(&object, SIGNAL(orange(A::B::J&)), this, SLOT(orange_exec(A::B::J&)));



It works. Same thing, if I use Qt::DirectConnection.

void V::run()
object = new Object();

connect(object, SIGNAL(orange(A::B::J&)), this, SLOT(orange_exec(A::B::J&)), Qt::DirectConnection);



That doesn't make sense to me. Why the first connection gets executed, while the second does not. Both are using the same "object"?


7th February 2012, 05:27
Look in the output of your program for warnings like:

QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'A::B::J&'
(Make sure 'A::B::J&' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)

You will not be able to queue a reference though.

7th February 2012, 09:22
if it is a const reference then he can to queue it, but he have to provide meta data for that type of reference.
Not const reference requires Blocking Queued Connection.

7th February 2012, 14:04
A::B::J& works! It is registered. But the Signal only works, if object is created in the run() method with Object object;

Read the second part of my posting.

And it also works, if I append Qt::DirectConnection.

This is really strange!

Must be some kind of threading issue. :confused:

@MarekR22: I'm aware of the threading issues with Connection. But it doesn't make sense to me in my example. Both objects are from the same thread.

Added after 11 minutes:

A::B::J& works! It is registered. But the Signal only works, if object is created in the run() method with Object object;

Read the second part of my posting.

And it also works, if I append Qt::DirectConnection.

This is really strange!

Must be some kind of threading issue. :confused:

@MarekR22: I'm aware of the threading issues with Connection. But it doesn't make sense to me in my example. Both objects are from the same thread.

Yes, it works also with qRegisterMetaType();

If is is a const reference and if I do:

connect(object, SIGNAL(orange(const A::B::J&)), this, SLOT(orange_exec(const A::B::J&)));