View Full Version : Start changing the code equals prooblemss!!

10th February 2012, 00:54
Ok I dont seem to know why when I do this:

void MainWindow::accionFinalizada_Cancelada (QString url){
//-----------IMAGEN CENTRAL---------
QPixmap bg;
if (url.contains (QString ("ya_cerramos")))
bg = QPixmap (url);
RandomInfo *randurl = new RandomInfo ();
bg = QPixmap (randurl->getRandomUrl ());}
ui->setupUi (this);
this->ui->label_imagen->setPixmap (bg);
this->ui->label_author->hide ();
this->ui->label_text->hide ();
this->ui->menuBar->show ();

void MainWindow::on_actionFacturacion_triggered()
this->ui->menuBar->hide ();
tipo_factura->exec ();
wfact = new widgetFacturacion(this, this->handler, tipo_factura->getTipoFactura ());
this->setCentralWidget (wfact);
connect (wfact, SIGNAL(widgetClosed (QString )) ,this, SLOT(accionFinalizada_Cancelada(QString)));
wfact->show ();

(Seccond method triggers first)...the menuBar only works once. I mean, I can click an action for the first time. The action triggers perfecly, but then after setting the ui again, I can navigate through the menu but none of the actions is triggered...any suggestions what that can be? I dont receive any errors nor compiling nor the execution i can click the menu for an hour but nothing happens!!

10th February 2012, 02:03
Oh my! Here are a few observations/questions to get you thinking:

You completely rebuild the Designer Ui when you close the second window... what do you think happens to the previously allocated widgets etc.?
When you rebuild the Ui it runs connectSlotsByName(), and dutifully connects each slot to the first matching child object with a matching signal. Which widget/action will that be? Which widget/action is the menu bar you are clicking on?
You really need to look at QStackedWidget or hide() the main window while an independent widgetFacturacion window is shown

10th February 2012, 02:21
OH Lord!!

1) Got it, rebuild the Ui == lost previous data.
2) Yep they are being connected to the ""previous"" menuBar, that`s why I clicked and nothing happened. Im going to explain why im doing this: I have a close button (and a bunch of other label`s and widget, and of course the menuBar). When I close the widgetFacturacion ( I call the method close () ) I try to do the following operations

this->ui->menuBar->show ();
this->ui->closeButton->show (); // here I get SegFault

with no luck. I mean, why I can show the MenuBar and not the closebutton (wich is inside a central Widget).

3) I`ll give it a read and tell you how this goes.

10th February 2012, 02:32
BTW: Save yourself some tying and drop the "this->" which is implied anyway.

10th February 2012, 03:36
Lol, it is something I can`t get rid. At university last year they taught/obliged us to do like this with simple methods:

void MyClass::MYMethodSetsAvalue (int value){
this->value = value;

so from then on Its like riding a bike :P

BTW, any thoughts of my point 2) ?

Added after 9 minutes:

I tried your approach of hiding the mainWindow. The thing is that, in that case I need to execute the Widgets in another window because every form/dialog is part of the central widget of the mainWindow. I mean I like it that way, I dont want my mom to think shes opening new windows with every click :P

Added after 36 minutes:

Before you waste your time: QstackedWidget is the holy blessed solution :cool: As I will have only two widgets top in my stack, managing them is quite easy. I post the solution:

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
handler = -1;
stack_ventanas = new QStackedWidget;
stack_ventanas->addWidget (this->ui->centralWidget);
stack_ventanas->show ();
this->setCentralWidget (stack_ventanas);

void MainWindow::accionFinalizada_Cancelada (QString url){
//-----------IMAGEN CENTRAL---------
QPixmap bg;
if (url.contains (QString ("ya_cerramos")))
bg = QPixmap (url);
RandomInfo *randurl = new RandomInfo ();
bg = QPixmap (randurl->getRandomUrl ());
this->ui->label_imagen->setPixmap (bg);
this->ui->label_author->hide ();
this->ui->label_text->hide ();
if (stack_ventanas->currentIndex () != 0){
stack_ventanas->removeWidget (stack_ventanas->widget (1));
stack_ventanas->setCurrentIndex (0);
this->ui->menuBar->show ();

void MainWindow::on_actionFacturacion_triggered()
this->ui->menuBar->hide ();
tipo_factura->exec ();
wfact = new widgetFacturacion(this, this->handler, tipo_factura->getTipoFactura ());
connect (wfact, SIGNAL(widgetClosed (QString )) ,this, SLOT(accionFinalizada_Cancelada(QString)));
stack_ventanas->addWidget (wfact);

What you have to be careful is not to set any centralWidget of the mainWindow anymore.

BTW: you can correct any spell mistakes you see (and im talking specially of what I write here, not the code :D), Im here to learn QT and English Lol :P

Thank you very much for the hint on Stacked widgets, my code is pretty neat now :D