View Full Version : Play WMA DRM (protected wma files)

10th February 2012, 15:25
After some research for how to implement an audio player i found phonon which seems to be quiet enough for me until i realized than it cannot read wma drm files, this information is since 2010 in this article : http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/05/10/low-level-audio-processing-with-qtmultimedia/

can anyone tell me if phonon still can’t read wma drm files, if yes what should i do ?
is there anyone who have experience with encrypted audio files and how it works, i can't find much about this !

Thanks in advance :)

11th February 2012, 18:01
in the same link you post, appears the answer.

Phonon dont support the playback of DRM content,

copy & paste from the article linked in this post. the same article offers alternatives for DRM implementation.

soory my poor english