View Full Version : Qt designer - how to change splitter sizes ?

13th February 2012, 13:34
I will appreciate the helping hand to show how to change the width of a splitter parts in Qt designer. I'd like to be able to drag the left or right size of the splitter to change design area.


15th February 2012, 16:11
up. (Am I the only one who is using splitters in Qt designer and does not know how to change the size of individual panels?)

14th March 2012, 11:19
The QSplitter are not live QWidgets in QtCreator unfortunately.
If your QSplitter contains two widgets, you can set maximumSize and sizePolicy for each widget and the QSplitter will resize accordingly. I didn't find a way to do the same things with its QLayout chidren.

6th August 2012, 18:44
Alternatively, you can break the layout that you made, resize the widgets by hand with a proportion that matches what you want to get ultimately (if want to have a splitter set in a ~1/4, 3/4 ratio, you can resize a widget to ~1cm and the other to ~3cm), and then re-create the layout/splitter and container layout. This will create the splitter and expand it in its container layout keeping the proportion that you defined.
