View Full Version : QTransform method is private within this context error

14th February 2012, 14:37

I have

phone = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap(":/icons/Telefonhoerer.png"));
I get an error for line 4:

'QTransform::QTransform(bool)' is private within this context
Reading other discussions about this problem I figured the error is referring to the copy constructor of QTransform being used.

I use Nokia SDK 1.2 on Mac OS X Lion.

Is this probably an error in Qt itself or what's a solution?

The variables are pointers of their used type (i.e.. phone is a QGraphicsPixmapItem pointer).

There being more than one Qt resource on the web, what's the best place to ask such questions? Is the developer.nokia.com Forum now recommended?

14th February 2012, 14:52
setTransform() expects an object and not a pointer. Allocate your QTransform object on the stack (aka not using "new") and all will be fine.

14th February 2012, 15:37
This solved it. The documentation writes an & before the argument thus I thought it requires a pointer but wait & is the reference operator in arguments in C++, thus an object was expected. & only yields an address. Oh my C++ is rusty.

Thank you.