View Full Version : Catch an input from a QTableWidget

15th February 2012, 18:13
I tried but I could not make it , even after reading the doc, to take what I wrote on my keybord in the QTableWidget (that is the first problem), and convert it into an integer (that is the second problem).
Thank you in advance for your help.

15th February 2012, 19:42
What is the problem ? Did you try to debug your application ?

15th February 2012, 19:57
I only put apart this problem beacause I know that it is the fact that I could not pick the value that I wrote in QTableWidget on my keyboard .
So can you please help me by giving me a code where the element , entered by the user in the QTableWidget first , and then convert it into an integer.
I have read the doc but I could not do it.

15th February 2012, 21:35
I don't understand you : what do you mean "could not pick the value that I wrote in QTableWidget on my keyboard " along with "element , entered by the user in the QTableWidget first , and then convert it into an integer"?

QTableWidget is probably the most straightforward model/view representative...Having this :

QTableWidget widg;



already allows you to "pick" whatever you want "on your keyboard"^^.So , describe your issue if you're still having problems.

16th February 2012, 05:53
I think your question is not clear. Maybe you can give more description about your problem.
Thank you.


16th February 2012, 06:56
Please read the answers to your existing thread on the same topic before starting a new thread. As far as I can see you have everything you need laid out for you.

16th February 2012, 07:55
I am sorry about it.