View Full Version : Clean project deletes makefile

6th December 2006, 14:11
I have Eclipse and QT 4.2.1 on Fedora Core 5. Whenever I run clean project it deletes makefiles from my project. After that, when I run build project it says : "no rule to make target 'all' ". What I need to do in order to be possible to clean my project safely (meaning: to be able to build it again)?

6th December 2006, 14:48
What has that got to do with Qt ? It's eclipse's problem isn't it ?

I don't use eclipse (prefer KDevelop ). Still, you can make a link to external program that calls make clean ...

7th December 2006, 10:15
Maybe it doesn't have direct relation with Qt, but I thoght that someone had similar problems. After all, it si related to Qt because it is Qt project in Eclipse. I can't choose environment, it has to be Eclipse.