View Full Version : Layout without arranging or positioning

28th February 2012, 09:03
Hi all..
I'm so affraid if there is any kinda layout in Qt without positioning and arranging?? You know when add a layout like QVBoxLayout,QHBoxLayout or QGridLayout, it puts objecs and arrange them and even if u try hard coding, whenever you add a object dynamicaly, it arrange all objects again!. I want a layout just like a scene! put object wherever whithout any arranging or positioning but by hardcoding.

28th February 2012, 09:40
just don't use a layout.

29th February 2012, 09:23
So how can i add objects (e.g: buttons,labels,..) into widgets or windows(mainwindow)?

29th February 2012, 10:07
By setting the window (or any widget) as a parent. However using buttons and labels without a layout is usually a stupid idea unless you intend to be the only user of the program you are writing.