View Full Version : signals while using Dynamic UI

2nd March 2012, 07:36
Hi Guys,

I have created a QTableWidget in which i am adding rows on runtime. One of the column consists of combobox (using setCellWidget). Now, i want to create a definition which will be invoked on currentIndexChanged signal of the same combobox. But, here as i am creating this combobox dynamically iso i am facing a small problem.
Ex. cmb_a is created using setCellWidget at runtime. Then, writing a definition " def on_cmb_a_currentIndexChanged(self): " is not working out.
Can someone plz suggest me a solution for this.

Thanks in advance

2nd March 2012, 08:48
QObject::connect() the signal to the slot yourself (or call QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName() like the uic generated code does).