View Full Version : how to create multiple cubes in opengl

4th March 2012, 16:21
hi i am new to opengl..i was created a QGraphicsscene with 20 QGraphicsRectItems ..presently i want to see the items in 3D in opengl.how to create multiple cubes ...can some one please give some ideas..

Thanks In advance

4th March 2012, 17:16

6th March 2012, 04:28
Is there any possibility to display and or to draw items in 3D in Qt without using the OpenGL part of Qt? For each of the items I want to visualize I can calculate the x, y and z coordinates of all the points that the item contains.

I would like to have something like QGraphicsView only in 3d if that is possible.

6th March 2012, 09:48
There is Qt3D available but it will not let you avoid using OpenGL.