View Full Version : Porting code from windows to mac questions

10th March 2012, 19:02
I need to port my SW from a PC to Mac and I need to get an idea of what to expect. First of all I don't even own a Mac and I need to purchase one. Some questions I hope to get answered are below. My app is not a hard core app. Its pretty basic, a few thousand lines long. It just used QWT, and some USB-Serial port drivers, a third party Twitter Library and it was built using Creator.

1) What is a decent platform that I can use to compile and get my code up and running. I do not want to buy a new top of the line box, I am looking a Craigslist and ebay right now for a used. Is a Core duo laptop enough?

2) What other issues should I be aware of?

3) Am am trying to understand what are the main mistakes I am going to make doing this conversion before I make them. :)

Any help would be valuable.


12th March 2012, 16:58
1) It's not the hardware that's important, but the OS.
Take a box with newest os you can.

2) # is cmd+3 on the mac keyboard :)