View Full Version : how to animate opening and closing of a switch?

12th March 2012, 07:45
Hi Guys,

I am new to Qt and this is my first post. My qt platform is embedded linux platform. I want to show opening and closing of a switch if a push button is clicked.

What is the best way to animate the action of opening and closing of switch. Can some one please give some pointers to achieve this.


12th March 2012, 10:20
QPropertyAnimation or QTimeLine

12th March 2012, 14:59
Thanks for pointing out to QPropertyAnimation or QTimeLine. Does anyone have a simple example of using QPropertyAnimation or QTimeLine. My device is ARM9 chip S3C2440 (4xxMhz). Can I display an image and then rotate that image to animate closing and opening of a switch. Can some one please point to a simple example for this.

12th March 2012, 15:10
Does anyone have a simple example of using QPropertyAnimation or QTimeLine.

Yes. They are in the docs behind the links I gave you.