View Full Version : Info about QSystemTrayIcon

10th December 2006, 09:05
KSystemTray (KDE 3) inherits from QLabel (Qt 3) which most notably provides a way to implement mouse wheel events, but QSystemTray (Qt 4) inherits from QObject (Qt 4) so getting a mouse wheel event is not possible. Is there any workaround? KDE4 libs are also now using QSystemTray (Qt 4).

13th December 2006, 09:43
Have you tried installing an event filter, or just re-implementing the event method (do not forget to pass the things you ignore on to the parent class).

I would guess that the reason is some sort of cross platform issue so test it good.

13th December 2006, 14:20
No success. Only ToolTip event is being traced. :(