View Full Version : Dialog makes its parent lost FullScreen

16th March 2012, 13:08
Hi all !

I have a MainWindow with FullScreen, then I show a Dialog over the MainWindow. At that time MainWindow will be lost FullScreen.

Can someone help me solve this problem. I want to show Dialog and MainWindow still FullScreen.

Thank for your help !!

20th March 2012, 11:13
You're doing something wrong inside the dialog or where you show it.

You don't even mention what os and/or qt version you're using. No one here is a mind reader...
You can't expect constructive help without posting any code or - event better - compilable example of your issue.

20th March 2012, 11:48
Hello alizadeh91,
i think dialog is also derived from QMainwindow? use QDialog instead of QMainwindow.
Did i give your answer?

sorry my first language is not English.


21st March 2012, 19:52
For example when i show a QmessageBox in a QmainWindow the mainwindow will lost its fullscreen(To menu of ubuntu will be appears). My os in Ubuntu.
Thanks :D

21st March 2012, 20:12
If one window is full screen then no other window can come on top of it. Since a dialog forces its way to the top, the original window loses its fullscreen status. Be aware that X11 knows no concept of full screen windows and this is emulated in the application framework.