View Full Version : revertAll() failure question

16th March 2012, 18:17
All --

Got a weird problem -- I have a QSqlTableModel that I would like to roll back any changes a user had made to it via a QTableView, but when my cancel slot executes, my app just hangs on the command and I have to kill it from a task manager...I'm sure it's the revertAll command because if I make no edits and cancel I don't have a problem (plus I encased it in qDebug() statements)

Here's the definition of my model

swaymodel = new QSqlTableModel(this);
swaymodel->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, QObject::tr("Period"));
swaymodel->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, QObject::tr("Phase"));
swaymodel->setFilter (QString("sway_dataset_id = %1").arg(rig_dataset));


Here is the slot connected to a Cancel tool button

void RAOEntryDialog::on_RAO_CancelTB_clicked()

And the table definition

//* Create table for Sway data... *
sql_command = "create table sway (sway_period INTEGER NOT NULL, ";
sql_command.append("sway_phase INTEGER NOT NULL, ");
sql_command.append("sway_seq_no INTEGER NOT NULL, ");
sql_command.append("sway_dataset_id INTEGER NOT NULL, ");
sql_command.append("sway_rig_id INTEGER NOT NULL, ");
sql_command.append("sway_user_name TEXT NOT NULL, ");
sql_command.append("sway_activity_date DATE NOT NULL)");

I found that if I can get the same result if instead of reverting I, "sway_model->select ()" but I am curious if anyone has had this happen, too...
