View Full Version : Q_D: d-pointer private in this context?

23rd March 2012, 01:40

I am trying to implement the D-pointer pattern for some of my classes. I've followed the tutorials http://zchydem.enume.net/2010/01/19/qt-howto-private-classes-and-d-pointers/ and http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Library_Code_Policy/Shared_D-Pointer_Example but whenever I access a private member of my d-pointer, a compiler error results stating that the member is private in the given context. Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE is supposed to make my XYZPrivate class a friend of my XYZ class, so why is there a problem accessing its private data members?

Here's the relevant code:


class EmployerPrivate;

class Employer : public Loggable
Employer(QString name, QString market);

QList<Position> findJobs() const;
QString toString() const;
bool hire(Person& newHire, Position pos);

const QScopedPointer<EmployerPrivate> d_ptr;



Employer::Employer(QString name, QString market) :
d_ptr(new EmployerPrivate(name, market))


QList<Position> Employer::findJobs() const
Q_D(const Employer);
return d->m_positions; // Compiler error: m_positions private within context

QString Employer::toString() const
Q_D(const Employer);
return QString("***Employer information***\nName: %1\nMarket: %2").arg(d->m_name).arg(d->m_market); // Compiler error


class EmployerPrivate
EmployerPrivate(QString name, QString market);

QList<Position> m_positions;
QString m_name;
QString m_market;


EmployerPrivate::EmployerPrivate(QString name, QString market) :

I've tried making both classes derive from QObject and added the Q_OBJECT macro just in case (even though, from my understanding, these aren't needed), but that also did not work.

23rd March 2012, 06:31
Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE cannot possibly make Employer a friend of EmployerPrivate: to do that it would have to be inside the EmployerPrivate class. It does make EmployerPrivate a friend of Employer, i.e. the EmployerPrivate class can access the Employer private members.

Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC inside the private class has the effect you are seeking. However, you'll find the ClassPrivate class contents are public in the examples you linked to.

23rd March 2012, 06:34
Well the error message seems clear to me! m_positions is private. Solution: make it public. Thus you have to delete private: from the class EmployerPrivate. As most private classes only have public members.

EDIT: refresh before posting can help...

23rd March 2012, 12:11
Pattern looks like this:

// public Header file for SomeLibBaseClass
class SomeLibBaseClassPrivate;

class SomeLibBaseClass : public LibExternalClass {
SomeLibBaseClassPrivate *d_ptr; // or QScopedPointer<SomeLibBaseClassPrivate>
SomeLibBaseClass(SomeLibBaseClassPrivate &dd, other args); // needed for subclassing inside library

Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE_D(d_ptr, SomeLibBaseClass)

// -------------------------------------------------
// private header file for SomeLibBaseClass

class SomeLibBaseClass;

class SomeLibBaseClassPrivate {



virtual ~SomeLibBaseClassPrivate(); // !!! OBLIGATORY virtual destructor. HAVE to do it if you want avoid strange hard to locate errors

// in general private class shouldn't have virtual methods (except destructor which is obligatory)
// It is never a Q_Object, it doesn't have meta data

SomeLibBaseClass *q_ptr;

// -------------------------------------------------
// public Header file for SomeLibSubClass

class SomeLibSubClassPrivate;

class SomeLibSubClass : public SomeLibBaseClass {

SomeLibSubClass(SomeLibSubClassPrivate &dd, otherArgs); // needed for subclassing inside lib

Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE_D(d_ptr, SomeLibSubClass)
// no new d_pointer, it is inherited

// -------------------------------------------------
// private header file for SomeLibSubClass
#include "somelibbaseclass.h"
class SomeLibSubClass;

class SomeLibSubClassPrivate : public SomeLibBaseClassPrivate {



~SomeLibBaseClassPrivate(); // here is optional

// q pointer is not needed, it is inharited

macro Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE_D and Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC (you didn't use that macro that is why you have a problem, don't forget about q_pointer) provides friendship between public and private class. You should use both.

It would be the best if you take a look how Qt is written. There you have all cases of d_pointer usage.
For example objects with implicit data sharing (like QString, QByteArray, QVector, QList) have a different set of roles.

23rd March 2012, 17:09
Thank you MarekR22, that works great. I'm wondering though: is q_pointer required? I thought that was only necessary if the private class needed to access the private members of the public class. Do I still need to include q_pointer if my private class does not need to access the public class' private members (since I get a compiler error when I take out the q_pointer, it seems like it does need it; I'd just like to understand better why it is needed)?


23rd March 2012, 20:49
The public class will generally have no private members other than the d pointer.

The q pointer is primarily used to access the signals of the publicly visible class, which are declared protected in the public class, from the private impl class. This is a convenience.. otherwise the impl class would have to emit signals, that were connected to trigger the public class signal of the same function.

27th March 2012, 21:29
Thanks for the explanation Chris, that makes a lot of sense.