View Full Version : Dialog always on top problem

26th March 2012, 12:50

I have a maindialog which is QDialog and NOT modal behaves like modal sometimes.

I have Windows 7 Prof, using QT 4.4.0.

Any ideas?

26th March 2012, 14:05
Don't use QDialog::exec(), simple use QDialog::show() ..

26th March 2012, 15:29
I need to comment this,

By saying modal, I don't mean the dialog is only modal for it's parent. It keeps staying on top even I click browser, notepad etc from the taskbar. And I'm experiencing this very rarely. Is this an OS issue?

27th March 2012, 08:42
exec() method in some sense blocks main event loop. And thus this might be the reason why I sometimes get this error.