View Full Version : qtcreator_process_stub.exe additional and unnecessary console window in QtGUI app

29th March 2012, 21:50

My GUI application compiled in release or/and debug modes start with 'qtcreator_process_stub.exe' additional and unnecessary console window. When I close GUI, then 'Press <RETURN> to close this window...' message appears in console window. When I close console window, then both windows will be closed (GUI and console).

Why this console windows is visible, and what can be a reason for this behavior? Other GUI projects are launched properly (there are no console windows), which means that issue is directly in my project, but maybe some of you had a similar issue?

Compilation: QT 4.8.0/MinGW/Windows XP

My project file:

QT += core gui sql
#CONFIG += qtestlib
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= console

win32 {
TARGET = Project_win
unix {
TARGET = Project_unix
win32 {
LIBS += -lodbccp32 -ladvapi32 -luser32
unix {
LIBS += -lodbc -lodbcinst

SOURCES += main.cpp\
MainWindow.cpp \
HEADERS += MainWindow.h \
FORMS += MainWindow.ui \
AboutDialog.ui \

sqleditor/SQLTypes \
sqleditor/SQLKeywords \

Icons.qrc \
sqleditor/Tags.qrc \
drivers/sybase/InternalProcedures.qrc \

RC_FILE += \

30th March 2012, 00:15
You get this behaviour when you are running your deployed application or only when you run it inside Qt Creator? Qt Creator in the Windows SDK (haven't checked lately) has a habit of enabling "Run in terminal" in the Run Settings of new projects.

30th March 2012, 08:49

Both. But I found reason by comparing *.pro.user files from new project and my old project. (*.pro.user file in new projects have much more tags)

I don't know why, but I observed that "Qt4ProjectManager.Qt4RunConfiguration.UseTerminal" key in new projects is always set to false, but in my old project it was set always to true.

I created new project, import all source files , and it works now:-)

Thanks for your suggestion about enabling "Run in terminal".


9th December 2012, 21:27

Both. But I found reason by comparing *.pro.user files from new project and my old project. (*.pro.user file in new projects have much more tags)

I don't know why, but I observed that "Qt4ProjectManager.Qt4RunConfiguration.UseTerminal" key in new projects is always set to false, but in my old project it was set always to true.

I created new project, import all source files , and it works now:-)

Thanks for your suggestion about enabling "Run in terminal".


At least for now, I set the UseTerminal property to true. That was really a pain trying to find the cause for that. Generally, I always toss the pro.user file in projects as they are re-created when opening a project or set of projects in creator.

Thanks VERY much