View Full Version : Organize the components in window (Qt-Designer)

1st April 2012, 04:48
I'm creating a Mame (http://mamadev.org) Front-end in PyQt4 and using Qt-Designer to build my windows.
This (Qt-Designer) is a little bit new to me and I have a problem to manage the layout components in the window.
As you can see in a video below, I can't organize the components into the window.
- my video - (http://vimeo.com/39561463)
I don't know how to do, because the vertical/horizontal layout there are not some property as max. size, for example.
I'm not sure if by the video I came to my goal to show you the exactly that I need.
Thanks for advance.


2nd April 2012, 19:35
It looks like you should be using sub-layouts. Try this:

1. Select the line edit and the label and click the horizontal layout button. Let's call this layout the "top left layout".
2. Select the movie, the libraries, and the new "top left layout", and click the vertical layout button. This will be your "left layout".
3. Select the QGraphicsView and the left layout and click the horizontal layout button.

If that isn't exactly what you want, it should help you figure out what to do anyways.

3rd April 2012, 01:14
Now it works, thank you.