View Full Version : Qt Creator + CMake + MSVC 2010 Express = annoying LNK4099 warning

6th April 2012, 14:56
Hi, I am working towards building my application using MSVC 2010 Express, and though I have made good progress (not as easy/convenient as MinGW though), I have come across a LNK4099 warning when building a debugged version of my application.

Now, I have seen may threads which pretty much say that we can safely ignore that LNK4099 warning, and I can see why. Still, I don't like warnings. It just doesn't look good. So, is there really no way to get rid of that annoying warning?

Cheers, Alan.

7th April 2012, 05:26
Add -wd4099 to compile options in the makefile. I did this for building QtWebKit.

7th April 2012, 10:29
I tried it before, but it doesn't work and this is known not to work, as mentioned at http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/176188/can-not-disable-warning-lnk4099. Otherwise, at that page, there is a link to a workaround (http://www.bottledlight.com/docs/lnk4099.html), but it din't work for me with MSVC Express 2010 SP1. So, no matter what I am doing, I am still getting that annoying LNK4099 warning.

11th May 2012, 09:40
FWIW, I had another look at my LNK4099 warning issue and managed to get rid of it by adding /ignore:4099 as a linker option. Apparently, /ignore is an undocumented option. Whatever the case, it works for me and thought it might be of use to other people in my situation, i.e. wanting/needing to build their Qt application using MSVC.