View Full Version : QT Static or Dynamic Building and Linking Under Linux - Pros and Cons

18th April 2012, 20:01
I have an application that I need to deploy on a server that will not have Internet access in general, so I would need to have all Qt related content on media
for distribution.

I could certainly utilize the complete Qt SDK download, but I want my deployed platform (as opposed to the development platform) to be much smaller on the platform
than the full SDK install.

My application will use only two Qt libraries: QtCore (2.9 MB) and QtNetwork (1.3 MB).

My application is a Linux daemon that uses QThreads -- but no plug-ins or graphics content.

I am debating the benefits of two approaches:

1. Simply building with static linkage to these two Qt libraries, or
2. Alternately creating a simple RPM that deploys my application as well as these two Qt libraries and creates the symbolic links.

The deployment will be for the 64-bit RHEL 6 platform.

I am interested in the opinions of folks debating the pros and cons of either approach with similar circumstances.

The Wiki on this subject is as follows, but is a bit dated, and therefore perhaps not as contemporary as it could be.

http://www.qtcentre.org/wiki/index.php?title=Building_static_applications#Pros_ and_cons