View Full Version : Help, not sure how to get started

19th April 2012, 23:08
Hello, I am new to QT and an absolute novice in C++ program. I am trying to use QT to make
a windows interface. Something that will display a system clock, have a field that will display
anything that I type and also some buttons that would display things like battery life. Maybe,
because I am new to all this, I am nervous. I was curious if some one could guide me on how
to get started.

I was able to look at some of the Examples that QT has, including one that displays battery
life. I also went through a "hello world" tutorial and understood how to press a button and
get a display on the screen. I also found a example from QT that shows the system clock.

My question, I guess, is how do I put these together into one program? It seems that each of
these components have something of what I need individually but I am not sure how put them

Maybe if some one can point me to some tutorial that explains the guts of a QT program, will help.
Thanks in Advance.

19th April 2012, 23:55
There is no single proper answer to your question. As always, you can obtain the same result using different means. If what you want is to create some kind of dashboard or desktop and you have no C++ skills then maybe the best solution for you would be to use QtQuick with QML and JavaScript.