View Full Version : Compiling static QT application

20th April 2012, 14:07

I can able to compile and run QT application in desktop .

I would like to compile a static QT Application with static library using uclibc compiler.

Could you please help me out to resolve this issue..

Thanks in advance...


20th April 2012, 14:39
You first need to compile Qt framework static, because by default the framework installs only the dynamic build. This done by downloading the Qt source code, run configure -static...-your other configure options then run the make command //but i didn't used your tool-chain, so if i can't give you specific advices regarding your tools, maybe if you wait you get answers from somebody that used it.

20th April 2012, 14:53
Thanks for your reply.

I have compiled qt framework for target board using buildroot.. That has compiled static only..