View Full Version : Qt4.2 installation error

15th December 2006, 08:22
while running the ./configure during installation of Qt4.2 I had got "Package glib-2.0 was not found in pkg-config search path"
Is this some error.
I tried to run some sample program after installing.
[nimmyj@localhost nimmyj]$ cd sample
[nimmyj@localhost sample]$ qmake -project
[nimmyj@localhost sample]$ qmake
/home/nimmyj/.qmake.cache:19: Parse Error ('--cflags [-I'/usr/include']')
[nimmyj@localhost sample]$ ./sample
bash: ./sample: No such file or directory
[nimmyj@localhost sample]$
I am getting this error .can any one help.

15th December 2006, 09:23
Either you configure Qt not to use the GLib event loop or you have to install the glib development packages for your distro.

15th December 2006, 10:40
I didnt get you ,can you explain

15th December 2006, 14:19
Qt uses GLib to provide a uniform event queue which can blend with other toolkits, but it is just an option. If you want to avoid GLib dependency, you have to turn it off by passing an appropriate switch to configure.

Alternatively you need to install GLib development package for your distro to be able to compile GLib queue.