View Full Version : Multiple evaluatejavascript calls causing javascript Type Error (JQuery)

11th May 2012, 14:49
If I have my application execute back to back evalutatejavascript calls using the same frame object, the second call always throws a javascript TypeError: Type error message.

If I combine all the javascript/jquery into one evaluatejavascript call, then it works fine. Which is what I am going to do. But, the issue has me concerned since evaluatejavascript is used quite a bit in our application.

streamJavascript("$(\"#on-screen-time\").text(\"" + hourMinAmPmPattern.cap(1) + "\");");
streamJavascript("$(\"#on-screen-ampm\").text(\"" + hourMinAmPmPattern.cap(2) + "\");");

void AdiTimeManager::streamJavascript(QString javascript)
QString sJavaScript;
QTextStream streamJavascript(&sJavaScript);
streamJavascript << javascript;
ADIGlobal::sendJavascript(frame, sJavaScript);

void ADIGlobal::sendJavascript(QWebFrame *frame, QString sJavascript)
if ( sJavascript != "" )
if ( Log4Qt::Logger::logger("ADIGlobal") )
Log4Qt::Logger::logger("ADIGlobal")->debug() << "sendJavascript " << sJavascript;

08:38:16.135 DEBUG [ADIGlobal] sendJavascript $("#on-screen-time").text("8:38");
08:38:16.225 DEBUG [ADIGlobal] sendJavascript $("#on-screen-ampm").text("AM");
08:38:16.225 DEBUG [AdiWebPage] TypeError: Type error
08:38:16.225 DEBUG [AdiWebPage] 1:

Added after 57 minutes:


Apparently, this has nothing to do with multiple calls. All calls are throwing the error, but after every other evaluatejavascript call.

11th May 2012, 18:08
I found a work around.. however I dont have any idea why it works. There is a form element further down the page:

<form><input type="button" style="display:none;" class="ENTER" /></form>

When changing the input type to "text" it everything works fine. Luckily, the input type doesn't matter for me.

I really have no idea why this would matter.