View Full Version : Help compiling into application

14th May 2012, 18:51
As part from small school project I made QT app and I just cant seem to compile as program without runing QT.

I should hand in working program by tomorow and I would be very greatful if anyone could compile it for Linux or Windows.

I have tried to read all the manuals, but its impossible to learn everything from 0 to fully working program in a week.

Program files in attached zip file

14th May 2012, 18:57
Your application builds just fine on my machine with qmake && make. What's the problem exactly?

14th May 2012, 19:12
It wont run in ubuntu without QT installed in first place and the same with windows
EDIT: ok - it actually runs without QT in linux, but I assumed it wont run here, because when i used project files to compile in windows, the programm could only run when QT was installed

14th May 2012, 19:19
Unless you read and obey the notes about Deployment.

17th May 2012, 11:23
Search these files in your computer for creating qt standalone application---->

1. kernel32.dll
2. libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
3. mingwm10.dll
4. msvcrt.dll
5. QtCored4.dll
6. QtGuid4.dll
7. QtNetworkd4.dll
8. "Your.exe"

These files you could only be able to find if you've qt and windows installed in your computer.
Copy all the file into one folder.
You will find your exe file in debug folder in your qt application project folder.

17th May 2012, 11:28
It wont run in ubuntu Needing it to run on a Linux machine makes a bunch of Windows DLLs particularly useless.

17th May 2012, 11:34
For ubuntu,

Configure -sstatic -prefix=/Qt_Static
make/ming32-make sub-src(it only build the source code)

cd to your application
PATH = link to Qt static Install folder
ming32 -make distclean
qmake -config release

After doing these process it will create a binary file i.e yourapp.bin(X11/linux) or yourapp.exe(Win32).

Dependency Walker is also one application for creating standalone application.