View Full Version : Unable to get my spinbox to display (all that shows is the associated label)

14th May 2012, 19:34
My spinbox (class QSpinBox) does not display - I've tried the "show" method and I've made sure that the spinbox is enabled. Yet, all that ever displays is the QLabel text field object associated with the spinbox.
I am a complete newbie to Qt, so it may very well be something simple that I am not doing....or maybe it's a need for an entire set of complex steps that is needed to display this widget.
If anybody can help me it is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU

Brian S.

14th May 2012, 20:22
I wonder what you mean by "associating" the spinbox with a QLabel. If that means that you have set a QLabel as a parent of the QSpinBox thinking that it would adjust the QLabel. I doesn't. It has its own edit field. If that is so, I wouldn't be surprised that it is not shown. Treat it as any other component in the container (QWidget or layout or whatever) and set its parent appropriately or leave it to NULL and I would think that it will show just fine.

17th May 2012, 02:32
If anybody can help me it is greatly appreciated.

You would do a lot to help yourself by showing us what you have done. There are about a jillion ways your code could be broken.