View Full Version : Table-problems in QTextBrowser

16th May 2012, 06:51

I am trying to fill a QTextBrowser with an HTML text, and it works well until I try to add a table. A 2x2 table works well, but the code below generates no output whatsoever, and if I ask the textbrowser for its content (via the "toHtml() function), it gives me an empty html (at least no table). Any clue what can be wrong? I traced the parsing down into the QTextHtmlImporter but I got lost in there. The parser generated nodes, tables were created, but I don't have the experience to understand what's happening. I am using qt 4.8.1 .


16th May 2012, 12:32
Problem solved: There was a setting of the maximumBlockCount, which removed stuff. Grr! My fault.