View Full Version : How to replace a QAbstractFileEngine based implementation

17th May 2012, 09:02

I have an application which shows some HTML-like content in a QTextBrowser.
This content is stored in a SQLite database:

tableText: id, text
tableImages: id, filename, data [BLOB]

At the moment I have a subclass of QAbstractFileEngine to handle img tags and load the images from the database:

... foo bar <img src="sqlfile://tableImages/filename" /> foo bar ...

Now I have to rewrite some details in this code.
Sadly Qt5 seems to not support QAbstractFileEngine anymore (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/classes.html).
What is the best way to replace the QAbstractFileEngine implementation to be future-proof?
(I don't want to save the images separatly on harddisk.)
