View Full Version : OpenGL Qt and image sizes

20th May 2012, 12:37
I was curious to find out about image size restrictions as I'm having a bit of difficulty coming across this information elsewhere... haven't seen Qt covering this anywhere.

Does Qt support non power of 2 image dimensions? Even if it does, how do I find out if some sort of implementation or environment does not? My understanding is that the older OpenGL supports only power of 2, however I think it's GL 2.0 and above? that supports non power of 2? I was just wondering if there's some info that goes into a bit more detail about this... I would like to find out why this power of 2 thing came about.

Just wanted to learn a little bit more about it is all.

20th May 2012, 15:46
Although this has nothing to do with Qt itself, answer to your question is:
either OpenGL must be >= 2.0 or GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two ext. must be present.

So to sum it up it's hw restriction, and any card supporting OGL >= 2.0 supports non pow. 2 textures.

20th May 2012, 17:11
Thanks I see now.